Agritur Darial | Appartamenti in Val di Fiemme


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Spring in the mountains is special, special because at the beginning it still mixes with winter, the first primulas sprout among the patches of snow, and the heather in the woods takes over, whole carpets of pink surround the paths, and then you begin to glimpse a few green threads, and here is nature awakening and everything begins again.

Have you ever come to Val di Fiemme in spring?

Many believe that there is nothing to do, better to go to the lake or visit some town, but this is not so, the mountains in spring are full of surprises .

Some proposals

Panoramic tour around Stava with departure from Darial and discovery of the historic centre of Tesero
Cycling along the Fiemme and Fassa cycle path
Walk with llamas and alpacas
Visit and tasting at the Fiemme brewery, the dairies or the wine cellars in the nearby Cembra Valley
Regenerative trail in Anterivo, with a walk through the larch forest and an adrenaline-filled finale in the fresh water of the streams
Visit to the Paneveggio park, always exciting!
The Magnifica comunità in Cavalese, a historical building in our valley
Here is the link with lots of ideas for spring walks

Did I tell you that the lifts will be open until mid-April?

For ski lovers this is an opportunity not to be missed, the slopes are still perfectly snow-covered and groomed for you to enjoy!

Of course, we will welcome you here at Darial with a hearty breakfast, not missing Mamma Gabriella’s biscuits and cakes, and then healthy relaxation in the whirlpool baths, perhaps the one with the panoramic view over the valley, at sunset, sipping a good glass of wine!

We are open most of spring*, give us a thought!


*excluded from 02/05 to 20/05


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